Monday 6 October 2014


WHAT CAN I SAY? This is it.
This is perhaps one of the most frustrating things I have ever done since 2013…
Because I was supposed to do this in 2013, until my MAC computer got broken, which really disappointed me from not finishing the film, so that leaved me with a bad feeling and thought , on not finish the trailer and immediately give up on my hopes and dreams of making films and animation put together…

But fortunately enough, I decide to fight back from the negativity and the lost and the bullshit of giving up and failing. So I’d pushed myself forward into finishing this damn trailer movie, even if it looks good or bad …but unfortunately I am using an unlikely computer which is a PC …until I can be able to get my MAC fixed (which I’m still am SHIT) and hopefully  I may do a better one then this when its fix…so here it is BOOTLEG WARS a anti star wars movie trailer and a middle finger to Disney in making the VII Star Wars movie.
Also I not the only one who made anti Star Wars seven films …check out Bat in the Sun’s STAR WARS MUSICAL …now that’s some great stuff worth watching !!!
The Idea of this came to me obviously when I heard they were going to do a VII Star Wars movie, which is going to be produced by those f***ing idiots Disney …so then I decide to make a spoof and joke about it if it was done wrongly…
So then I thought, let me make a crap run down the mill, anti star wars trailer …where there are would be characters and rip off ones to despite the fact that new Star Wars movies,  are not going to continue with the previous  characters from Episode 6 and er best of all LET ME FILM IT WITH TOYS …in this cast (CHEAP BOOTLEG ONES)
Consider this a Adam and Joe show homage to their Star Wars toys short films and of course every bodies  favourite vinyl toy artist, who loves the force and loves the P*ssy… SUCKLORD 2000’s home made action figures as well.

This took me a while to finish this film or short trailer film and it was a hard journey to face BUT I DID IT IN THE END …make this be a lesson you…
“It doesn't matter how you fall, it matters how you get back UP.”

SO here it my Anti Star Wars VII trailer spoof movie and a F YOU to Disney Trailer movie

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